Evaluation of usage in 2023 to 2024
For the 2023/24 financial year, ATA received a higher level of funding than the funding received in 2022/2023. This was the result of an increase in the number of students eligible for PPG and an increase in the rate payable, of 5%, in respect of each qualifying student.
The Academy actually received approximately £370,000 by way of pupil premium to support the education provision of those most disadvantaged students. Aside from the provision of Free School Meals (FSM), for which support funding is provided separately in the main grant for those identified as FSM, ATA also continued to support qualifying students with financial assistance when purchasing ATA uniform at the start of Year 7 and Year 9 (£55 per student per relevant year); with a contribution made towards the cost of a residential trip once in their time at ATA ( £95 contribution) and in subsidising the cost of music lessons by 50%, from which 12 students benefited in 2023/24.
Much of this funding continued to be devoted to staff who are focused on supporting disadvantaged students - in particular Learning Mentors (5 staff) and Assistant Learning Mentors (3 staff) - as well as funding a proportion of the time spent by senior staff and pastoral heads in specific monitoring of these students and of LAC students. Mentoring benefits not only those who are removed from whole class situations for individualised study but also those remaining within the class setting, allowing them to work more effectively as a group of students without disruption. Those who have individualised study are appropriately reintegrated into mainstream settings, while those absent from ATA are provided with catch-up opportunities, again run by dedicated staff support.
The funding also supports the progress of the most vulnerable students in ATA through raising their literacy and numeracy and by enabling a conducive learning environment through study hall; departmental power hours; catch-up sessions in the Learning Resources Centre (LRC), which are overseen by a Learning Mentor and a member of the LRC staff, and the extended use of both the Easter and May term breaks for exam revision sessions. The LRC is also available from 7.30 each morning to students who lack study space and the correct environment at home to complete work. This is overseen by the Academy’s Librarian and provides a dedicated, supported and focused space for completing homework and catch-up activities, which benefits, in particular, our disadvantaged students who are less likely to have the availability of this level of resource and support at home.
Attendance and punctuality are key to progress and attainment. The employment of a full-time Education Welfare Officer is fundamental to maximising these essential requirements, which can be a particular concern amongst those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and checking absences is rigorously carried out. ATA provided a number of incentives to reward excellent attendance in the year despite the national issues with student non-attendance that exist. The Academy achieved 97.5% attendance level in 2023/4, an outstanding 5th best attendance level for the year amongst 6,536 secondary level schools and colleges in the country in 2023/24. ATA also employed the services of two Counsellors who each worked a day per week with a number of vulnerable students.
Academic support is extensive, particularly in English and Maths. In Maths, small class sizes operate for students whose ability is low, offering more one-to-one support for those who need it most: (up to twelve students in KS3 sets and KS4 sets). The subject also offered a homework support club on Wednesday lunchtimes – the club works on a voluntary basis and there was a consistent turnout in the year. Year 12 Maths mentoring for underperforming Year 11 students took place on Monday lunchtimes – some 65 students were involved in this and the numbers are set to grow this year, in response to interventions in place after October mocks. Maths Power Hour – runs as an exam support club for Year 11s on Fridays after school by working through a bank of over 400 questions on the student shared drive. Former student and PGCE student mentoring of key Year 11 students continued to take place, providing additional support taught in small groups during form time. The students were also taken out of lessons during revision weeks to benefit from one-to-one help.
In English, all students are provided the same challenge throughout Year 7, whilst remaining cognisant of their Key Stage 2 baseline data. Setting is in place from Year 8, the timetable is blocked as far as possible to allow for movement up and down. The lowest four sets are smaller in number so that the students can have more teacher focus. A number of clubs operate at Key Stage 3, to support student Progression in English and some students are encouraged to take up roles supporting in the library to develop a whole range of personal skills. These students are often those from disadvantaged backgrounds. KS4 students are provided with revision guides which are funded by English department and the department also looks to offset the cost of trips.
Supervised morning fitness is a popular feature at the start of the Academy day. Students are able to access the weights’ room, the cardio room and the three gyms to exercise or to play team sports before school. This is particularly important to GCSE PE Students who are unable to pay for club memberships and who need to practise their technique and improve their levels of fitness. The PE department provides PE kit to students who are unable to purchase new kit when the old kits are too small or worn. FSM students are also entitled to have their Duke of Edinburgh enrolment fees paid and the PE department will also provide food and materials for the expeditions. The Academy has also provided funding to support pupil premium students to compete, travel and provide kit for elite level participation in their chosen sports.
One-to-one support in our SEN department for students who are at risk of academic failure and who lack the confidence and support to self-manage has improved the academic achievement of our FSM Students. The support offered includes academic coaching, support with college applications and interviews, study support and working with parents to support good study habits at home.