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Ashcroft Technology Academy

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Teaching Staff

Harriet DI BARTOLO Curriculum Manager Arts and Technology
Justin RANG 2ic Arts and Technology
Julie COLEMAN Textiles
Marie JHUGROO Technology
Andrew PARKER Art
Charlie BUTT Drama 
Dominic GROVES Drama
Enea LLESHI Music
Rebecca McGRUTHER Curriculum Manager English
Bethany KEETLEY 2ic English
Hannah CAKEBREAD 3ic English
Nicholas BARCLAY English
Megan BEALE English
Imogen BUTLER English
Alexander FORWARD-SERYCK English
Imogen KNOTT English and Head of Year 8
Eleanor KEIGHTLEY English and Head of Year 9
David KILLE English
Nicholas MARTIN English
James MEREDITH English
Emily WEBB English and Head of Years 12 and 13
Sam SLATER English
Lucy TILLOT English
Oliver MORGAN Curriculum Manager Humanities 
Jack CHALMERS 2ic Humanities 
Laura BLUCERT Humanities - Geography and Head of Year 10
Noemi HEIPL-FREEMAN Humanities - History
Jacob FIELD Humanities - History 
Amy LOVELL Humanities - History
Chad MOODY Humanities - History and Economics
Evelyn ROBINSON Humanities - History
Kari SARGENT Humanities - History
Sarah SCUDAMORE Humanities - History
Benjamin SAMINGPAI Humanities - Geography
Sasha QUIRK Humanities - Geography
Aleksej OBRADOVIC Curriculum Manager - Mathematics and Computing
Jennifer RUSSELL Mathematics - 3ic Maths and Computing
John SELLARS 2ic Mathematics and Computing
Jason GINN Mathematics
James GEORGE Mathematics
Gaby HERDMAN Mathematics
Adrian HADDLETON Computing and ICT 
Samuel JACKSON Mathematics
Maruthi JAMPANI Mathematics


Harriet MITCHELL Mathematics
Sebastien NEILSON Mathematics
James PHILLIPS Computing and ICT 
Caroline ROBERTS Mathematics
Julia STURGESS Mathematics - Lead Mathematics and Computing
Patrick STAFFORD Mathematics
Lowenna WILLIAMS Mathematics
Paulette  KAVANAGH Curriculum Manager MFL
Hannah COX MFL
Madeleine HUTT MFL
Jamie KEITH Curriculum Manager Physical Education
Niall  DOOLEY Physical Education and Head of Year 11
Vicky WARD Physical Education/Pastoral
Zak JOSEPH Physical Education
Abigail WATKINSON Physical Education
Charlie BUTT Performing Arts - Drama 
Dominic GROVES Performing Arts - Drama
Enea LLESHI Performing Arts - Music
Lucy SARGEANT  Curriculum Manager RS & Social Sciences
Michael DOVE Social Sciences - RS and CAS coordinator
Phillippa GALE Social Sciences – Psychology
Aye IKOMI Sociology and Citizenship
Abby KASS Citizenship
Sasha PHULL Psychology
Berry SEAR Psychology and Sociology
Anna VEDIKHINA Psychology
Lisa ARMSTRONG Curriculum Manager Science
Caitlin SOWTER Key Stage 3 Coordinator for Science
Adam ORME Key Stage 5 Coordinator for Science
Vidhi BHANDARI Science
Frankie BAXTER Science
Laura DOS SANTOS Science
Connie HEALEY Science
Farah KHAN Science and STEAM Coordinator
Jessica KUZMANOSKA 2ic Science
Denise LONG Science
Christopher MALONEY Science
Ahmed PREECE Science
Valentina VALENZA Science and Head of Year 7
Firdous ZAHID SEN Co-ordinator
Nicola SOLIMAN SEN Learning Support