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Ashcroft Technology Academy

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Home School Agreement

Home-Academy Agreement

           This document demonstrates the various responsibilities that all three parties – parents, students and school have             in education. The greater the commitment from each party, the greater the chance of ultimate success for the child.


           The Parent
 I Will

  • ensure that my child attends catch up activities, if s/he misses time at school;
  • inform the Academy of any problems that may affect his or her work or behaviour;
  • give the Academy my support in its endeavours to offer guidance on good manners and acceptable behaviour;
  • support the Academy in its imposition of legitimate sanctions. These could be routine detentions, referrals to ICAS or exclusion;
  • support the Academy in its identification of any barriers to learning students may experience and the pastoral support it offers in the Autistic Resource Centre (ARC), SEN, ICAS and study hall;
  • offer help and support to my child and the Academy in all matters related to homework;
  • attend relevant parent information evenings and discussions about my child’s progress;
  • respond to any concerns the Academy may have about my child.


The Student
I will:

  • follow the Academy’s rules and its Code of Conduct;
  • do my best at all times in lessons and with homework;
  •  be punctual, properly dressed and equipped for Academy;
  • attend and be prepared to complete meaningful work, if referred to catch up or study hall;
  • show respect for adults, other students and the environment;
  • complete sanctions imposed by the Academy with good grace and with a view to avoiding any repetition of the behaviour that led to a detention or referral to ICAS;
  • take part in extra-curricular activities and House competitions
  • use the Academy’s ICT equipment and the internet by following the rules given to me.


The Academy
We will:

  • keep your child safe and secure in the Academy;
  • respond promptly and effectively to any concerns you may have;
  • send home regular reports with regard to your child’s progress and inform you an any concerns we may have regarding his or her work or behaviour;
  • set, mark and monitor suitable homework;
  • write to you regularly to keep you informed of the wide variety of activities taking place and of our current concerns;
  • seek to achieve high standards of behaviour and encourage your child to achieve the maximum of which s/he is capable;
  • impose legitimate sanctions in response to poor behaviour and mentor students in ICAS to avoid a repeat;
  • ensure policy documents are up to date and available online.