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Ashcroft Technology Academy

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Open Events

We will be accepting applications, via Wandsworth Admissions - Apply for a secondary school place, for August 2025 entry to Ashcroft Technology Academy.   Before completing the application form, we ask you to visit the Local Authority’s website - by clicking on the link above - to register your child.   In this link, you will be able to register your child for the Wandsworth Test, which forms part of Ashcroft Technology Academy’s Year 7 admission procedures. Failure to register your child by 4 September 2024 month will mean that you will be unable to apply for a place in Year 7 for your child at the Academy. Failure to register your child by 4 September will mean that you will be unable to apply for a place in Year 7 for your child at the Academy.


The Wandsworth Test will be conducted in one of four Wandsworth secondary schools - Ashcroft Technology Academy, the Burntwood School, Chestnut Grove Academy or the Graveney School - (dates to be confirmed).  You will be allocated a test centre (which may or may not be one of the schools for which you have applied) and a date and time.  The invitation will make it clear that you will not be able to change the location of the test or the date or time.


If you also wish for your son or daughter to sit the Academy’s separate Specialist Technology Test, you can apply for this by completing a supplementary application form through clicking on the following link Apply for the Specialist Test.  The deadline for applications will be confirmed shortly and the dates for the test will be confirmed shortly which will be held at the Academy.


Our Open Evening  will be held on Monday 16 September 2024. Please select the link below to book a place.

Open Evening

If you would like to see the Academy in action, you are very welcome to come along to one of our Open Mornings which take place on 18, 19 and 20 September 2024, when you will be given a full tour so that you can see classes in actio. Please select the link below to book a place.

Open Morning